


Characters The story centers on Ken Kaneki (portrayed by Masataka Kubota), a shy college student with an introverted personality who is only focused on his studies. He meets a beautiful girl named Rize Kamishiro (portrayed by Yu Aoi) who shares his interests, and they start dating. However, it is revealed that Rize is part of a species of mutants called "ghouls" who feed on humans. During a struggle, Rize dies and Kaneki is gravely injured. In order to save him, doctors transplant organs from Rize into Kaneki, turning him into a ghoul as well. Unable to consume human food, Kaneki struggles with hunger and is eventually taken in by a safe haven for ghouls, where he meets other ghouls including Touka Kirishima (portrayed by Fumika Shimizu). At the same time, the Commission of Counter Ghoul, led by Koutarou Amon (portrayed by Yo Oizumi), is hunting down ghouls. The stage is set for a war between humans and ghouls.This film is based on the manga of the same name and is an adaptation of the story.